استانداردهای عمومی طراحی ساخت و رده بندی مراکز داده در ANSI/TIA-942 به شرح ذیل میباشد:
The ANSI/TIA-942 is a quality standard for data centers. The standard specifies requirements for data centers including single tenant enterprise data centers and multi-tenant Internet hosting data centers. The topology presented in the standard is applicable to any size data center and covers all physical infrastructure including, but not limited to, site location, architectural, electrical, mechanical, fire safety, telecommunication, security and other requirements.
Data centers can be reviewed and certified for conformity to the requirements of the ANSI/TIA-942 standard.
استانداردهای عمومی طراحی ساخت و رده بندی مراکز داده درANSI/BICSI 002 به شرح ذیل میباشد:
Data Center Design and Implementation Best Practices
Data center construction and expansion is predicted to continue steadily worldwide.
With the increasing focus on reliability and efficiency, the initial design is more important than ever. Thus, professionals within data center design are required to have knowledge of mechanical, electrical and telecommunications systems and how they support the network and network equipment in the data center’s core.
ANSI/BICSI 002-2014, BICSI’s international best-seller, covers all major systems found within a data center. Written by industry professionals from all major disciplines, this standard not only lists what a data center requires, but provides ample recommendations on the best methods of implementing a design to fulfill your needs.
As the foundation standard for data center design, BICSI 002 features 17 chapters and 8 appendices, spread over 500 pages, covering the following and more:
- Design methodology
- Facilities, cabling, network, services and applications
- Data center service outsourcing
- Site selection and space planning
- Modular and “container” data centers
- Site services and hazards
- Building structural and architectural requirements
- Electrical systems
- Utility to ITE power systems
- Standby and backup power systems
- DC power
- Mechanical systems
- Security and fire
- Architectural, electronic and operational security
- Fire safety for chimneys and aisle enclosures
- DCIM and building systems
- Telecommunications infrastructure
- Hot and cold aisles
- Cabinet airflow and cabling capacity
- Network infrastructure
- Data center commissioning & maintenance
- Energy efficiency
- Multi-site data center architecture
استانداردهایمكانيكال ديتاسنتر (ASHRAE) به شرح ذیل میباشد:
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineer
•2008 ASHRAE Environmental Guidelines for Datacom Equipment-Expanding the Recommended Environmental Envelope
•ASHRAE 52.2-2007, Method of Testing General Ventilation Air-Cleaning Devices for Removal Efficiency by Particle Size;
•ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1-2007, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings;
•ASHRAE Handbook- Fundamentals
•ASHRAE Handbook- HVAC Applications
•ASHRAE Handbook-HVAC Systems and Equipment
•Herrlin, M. K. 2005. Rack Cooling Effectiveness in Data Centers and Telecommunications Central Offices: The Rack Cooling Index (RCI). ASHRAE Transactions, Volume 111, Part 2• Herrlin, M. K.. and Belady, C. 2006. Gravity-Assisted Air Mixing in Data Centers and How it Affects the Rack Cooling Effectiveness. ITherm 2006, San Diego, CA, May 30-June 2, 2006
استانداردهای الكتريكال ديتاسنتر (IEEE) به شرح ذیل میباشد:
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
• ANSI/IEEE C2-2007, National Electrical Safety Code (NESC);
•IEEE C62.72-2007, IEEE Guidefor the Application of Surge-Protective Devicesfor Low-Voltage (1000 V or Less) AC Power Circuits;
•IEEE 446-1995 (Revision 2000) (The IEEE Orange Book), Recommended Practice for Emergency and Standby Power Systems for Industrial and Commercial Applications;
•IEEE 485-1997, IEEE Recommended Practicefor Sizing Lead-Acid Batteries/or Stationary Applications;
•IEEE 902-1998 (The IEEE Yellow Book), Guide for Maintenance, Operation and Safety of industrial and Commercial Power Systems;
•IEEE 1013-2007, IEEE Recommended Practice for Sizing Lead-Acid Batteries for Stand-Alone Photovoltaic (PV) Systems;
•IEEE 1145-1999, IEEE Recommended Practice for Installation and Maintenance of Nickel-Cadmium Batteriesfor Photovoltaic (PV) Systems (withdrawn standard);
•IEEE 1375-1998, IEEE Guidefor the Protection of Stationary Batteries;
•IEEE/ASHRAE 1635/200, Guide for the Ventilation and Thermal Management of Stationary Battery Installations (under development)
استانداردهای استانداردهاي حريق ديتاسنتر (NFPA) به شرح ذیل میباشد:
National Fire Protection Association
•NFPA 90A-2009, Standardfor the Installation of Air-conditioning and Ventilating Systems;
•NFPA 101-2009, Life Safety Code;
•NFPA 110-2010; Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems;
•NFPA 111-2010; Standard on Stored Electrical Energy Emergency and Standby Power Systems;
•NFPA 258-2001, Recommended Practicefor Determining Smoke Generation of Solid Materials;
•NFPA 5000-2009, Building Construction and Safety Code
•NFPA Fire Protection System for Special Hazards, 2004;
استانداردهای استاندارد ارتباطات و مخابرات و زير ساخت هاي ديتاسنتر (TIA) به شرح ذیل میباشد:
Telecommunication Industry Association
• ANSI/TIA-455-57-B, FOTP-57, Preparation and Examination of Optical Fiber Endface for Testing Purposes
•ANSI/TIA-455-133-A, FOTP-133-IEC-60793-1-22, Optical Fibres-Part 1-22: Measurement Methods and Test Procedures-Length Measurement
•ANSI/TIA-526-7, OFSTP-7, Measurement of Optical Power Loss of Installed Single-Mode Fiber Cable Plant
•ANSI/TIA-568-C.O, Generic Telecommunications Cablingfor Customer Premises
•ANSI/TIA-568-C.1, Commercial Building Telecommunications Cabling Standard (2009);
•ANSI/TIA-568-C.2, Balanced Twisted-Pair Telecommunications Cabling and Components Standard (2009);
•ANSI/TIA-568-C.3, Optical Fiber Cabling Components Standard (2009);
•ANSI/TIA-758-A, Customer Owned Outside Plant Telecommunications Infrastructure Standard (2004);
•ANSI/TIA-942-1, Data Center Coaxial Cabling Specifications and Application Distances (2008)